Updated: 2014-03-29T01:56:46Z
March 28
The LUV airline is looking for a little love from its passengers.
Southwest Airlines says the Transportation Department could give the Washington flight rights to other airlines that have said they would use them to serve other cities instead of Kansas City. So Southwest is urging customers to sign a petition at asking Transportation to give Southwest the rights.
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Southwest Airlines, stock ticker LUV, is asking people to help it lobby to keep its now temporary rights to fly daily between Kansas City International Airport and Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.
Southwest says the Transportation Department could give the Washington flight rights to other airlines that have said they would use them to serve other cities instead of Kansas City. So Southwest is urging customers to sign a petition at asking Transportation to give Southwest the rights.
Southwest also said it has the only nonstop KCI-DC flights on large jets. The three other daily straight flights between KCI and Washington, some to Reagan and some to Dulles Airport, use smaller regional service jets.
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Source: southwest - Google News
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